A model of a fundamental ½ spin quantum, specifically the neutron, is developed as a simple harmonic oscillation of an expanding 3-space of variable inertial density and resonant frequency in an underlying 4-continuum. The oscillation is shown to be an extreme Kerr quantum inertial sink, aka black hole, for which the quantum metric is given. The uncertainty principle is examined in light thereof, as well as the inappropriateness of the factor GN /c2 in converting mass measure in kilograms to measure in meters for an individual quantum. The correct quantum conversion factor is developed as the inertial constant, tav = h-bar / c, which multiplied by the inverse of the quantum mass in kilograms gives the correct mass in meters. This shows the neutron mass to be a measure of curvature as the reduced circumference at its horizon, equal to its Compton wavelength over 2pi. Within the static limit, the ergosphere of the oscillation is shown to be the domain of the strong interaction. Expansion provides a mechanical analogue of an EMF which drives the neutral quantum. Absent inertial confinement, a differential decrease in inertial density creates a discontinuity, inducing a decrease in frequency to that of the proton, with transmission of the electron. Quantum gravity arises as the derivative of the wave force with respect to the expansion tension stress, equal to the inverse curvature divided by a geometric factor of and the Planck area as the derivative of the fundamental cross-sectional scale and inverse curvature with respect to a change in stress. An exponential Hubble rate is coupled with the differential wave force and thereby beta decay. The nature of matter and anti-matter as inductive and capacitive states, respectively, is a straightforward consequence of this analysis. A quantum physical mechanism, with animation, modeling the above is developed along with the derivation of the inertial constant, tav. An orthogonal matrix of the wave symmetries, functions, invariants, and their couplings is examined, clearly showing the relationship of the electromagnetic and gravitational interactions in a unified field.