A Condensed Matter Model of Fundamental Particle Genesis as a Function of an Accelerating Cosmic Spacetime Expansion
Fundamental Rest Mass Quanta as Simple Harmonic Rotational Oscillations of the Spacetime Continuum, Driven by Cosmic Expansion with
Application of the Analysis to the Experimental Field of Cold Fusion
by Martin Gibson August 6, 2019
In this work, cosmic space is modeled as a system from an initial static condition of maximum uniform inertial density as a three dimensional physical continuum of indefinite extent with classical wave bearing properties but absent any actual particulate structure or the capacity for rupture or for introduction of extraneous particulate matter or energy into the system, i.e. conservation of energy is assumed other than the introduction of energy due to expansion as indicated in the following statement. Under initial and ongoing isotropic expansion stress – topologically, as the expansion of a 3 sphere cover of a 4 ball – differential isotropic stress and strain results in the emergence of local oscillatory stress and strain as defined by an elastic potential energy density on a system of equal size unit potential spheres of maximum cuboctahedral packing as shown here. (The axes shown here represent the diagonals of the central red unit cube.) The cuboctahedral lattice consists of six octahedral and eight tetrahedral interstitial chambers around each potential sphere, with a rotational potential around each axis responsible for quantum ½ spin and the magnetic moment and a related differential central force potential at each of the six octahedral surfaces responsible for quantum gravity.
With continued expansion, each spherical potential becomes discrete as a nucleon, initially a neutron, where the quark structure of the standard model can be delineated in the oscillation of unit stress tensors, and as the interstitial regions expand and the regions density decreases, an initial symmetry breaks so that according to well defined constraints, the neutron spin flips to become a proton and an electron is emitted. The energy of the neutron to proton decay as found in the rest mass spin energy of the electron is shown to be tuned to the expansion rate as defined by the Hubble constant.
The mathematical modeling for this development is classical.
The following link allows access to a printable version of the pdf paper as titled below.
Condensed Matter Model of Fundamental Particle Genesis with its Application to Cold Fusion