Unification in Physics & Political Economy – A Compilation of Technical Monographs
At first glimpse we might say that the photo above is an expanse, an extended field of just one thing, water – perhaps we think ocean. Then we notice the appearance of the troughs and peaks of the waves; the lighter blue on the lower left may indicate a shallow bottom or at the middle or the upper right, the entrainment of air from a previous crest collapse; there are small white caps and foam from their breaking scattered on the surface; bubbles follow the eddies and main currents beneath; there appears to be a mist floating above the churn driven by the wind. Analyzing further, it is obvious that there is an atmosphere above the water, where the mist and spray formed of small droplets of water is suspended for a time before sinking back and merging into the sea; so the expanse of the ocean itself must be comprised of countless numbers of such droplets.
As a result of further study using microscopes and other devices that allow us to ‘see’ beyond what is visible, we understand that the drops are in turn comprised of molecules and elemental atoms bound together by electromagnetic interactions; that in turn these atoms appear to be bound states of individual wave-particle electrons (leptons) and nucleons – well they don’t really appear at all, its just that the only way we can explain their behavior is to attempt to visualize them, to model them in our minds using quantitative logic, mathematics, and analytical geometry to predict their activity in space and time – and the nucleons, to be modeled as bound states of three individual wave-particles called quarks which join together according to well-ordered quantum mechanisms now referred to as the standard model using various types of quantum field theory. This last step, if we really think about it, means that all the quantum particles are joined to each other by extension as fields of one quality or another, of electromagnetism, of gluonic or strong force structure, or of gravitation, so that all we can say about the quantum wave-particles themselves is that they are the focus of maximum field intensity, as the maximum probability of having them crest at a given locus of space at a given time.
Like the photo above, these wave-particles are modeled as the appearance or emergence of crests and troughs in the waves of a quantum generating ocean as a type of quantum foam at a microscopically small size; a scale—the Planck scale—that is as small compared to the size of an electron or nucleon as those illusive wave-particles are to the size of the sea represented in this photo; that under ill understood conditions these Planck scale quantum crests and troughs spring into extended existence, perhaps life, for an astronomically long time.
This means that the space in which this all happens is a cosmic continuum and not an empty container of some type of hard, inert particulate substance of some other origin, of some other quality with some other properties. Such a continuum must be an extended field, which must be flexible if it is extendable or expanding as it appears to be, but it must be generally inert, since it appears to be expanding very slowly. Since it is flexible, it is either plastic or elastic, but must be elastic, at least in some regions, if it shows evidence of being wave bearing, as it so appears.
So if cosmic space is an inertial, wave bearing continuum under expansion, we should look to some mechanism for the emergence, the appearance first, of quantum fluctuations in the wave-bearing substrate—(however, we will not have to look to the microscopically small Planck scale for that emergence as is the current fashion, but rather to the neutron scale)—and second, for the localized emergence of oscillation and maintenance of a discrete sustained rotation of that oscillation to produce quantum half spin angular momentum and spin energy, a magnetic dipole, quantum gravity, all recognized as an expression of the neutron, and with continued cosmic expansion, a drop in inertial density and mechanical impedance and the subsequent ejection of a minor portion of wave energy recognized as the electron, with beta decay and a spin flip and drop in spin energy of the neutron to that of the proton.
The materials documented under this topic are found in the several monographs and links to YouTube videos menued chronologically under this category, starting with the most recent at the top, from August of 2019, and going back to the first presentation of October, 2006. They are the result of the quantitative application of these axiomatic conclusions drawn from various qualitative investigations under the category of Essential Principles over 30 years starting in earnest with my matriculation at Duke University. In the process of writing down some of my thoughts of a general philosophical nature, I was compelled to address my lack of understanding of fundamental physics. This lack was in part a reflection of the general state of misunderstanding of that field of study at the academic level, in that there is no physical understanding of how the cosmic spatial continuum, customarily treated mathematically as a 4–dimensional spacetime of general relativity (GR), interacted or coupled as they say, with the massive (principally nucleonic) or energetic (photonic) quanta of the standard model of particle interactions, such coupling being a necessary condition of GR.
In pursuit of this understanding, I assumed an application of classical mathematical methods using Newton’s gravitational law to two neutron at the femto scale as might occur in a helium nucleus, while disregarding the theoretical interaction of the two protons. The computations are included in the excerpt following the video below.
The effect of the coupling of space and quanta, which is modeled as a localized oscillating, twisting of the spatial fabric, is shown in the video below. It is a more detailed depiction of the stress and strain shown on the Projects page.
Physical Phenomena Videos
Neutron as an emergent quantum generated by accelerating cosmic expansion
(In this early video of the neutron, the yellow inductive moment is shown as a left hand axial vector. While physically no different, this has subsequently been changed to right hand so that it leads the red capacative moment as in the toy models shown below.)
The following is an excerpt from the attached pdf paper, A Condensed Matter Model of Fundamental Particle Genesis as a Function of an Accelerating Cosmic Spacetime Expansion, on the next page.

This animation is included with the bold red stripes to show that the path of the ‘V’ in the strips at either end of the diametrically opposed points on the circle rim represent a transversely oscillating strain under a constant counter clockwise (from above) stress that appears to rotate, though the strain actually recoils at each 1/2 cycle. The two rotating pseudospheres conjoined at their rims, if drawn accurately, would have the left one bend up and the right one bend down toward their initial orientations prior to torsional displacement, but that is beyond my current animating skills.