Abakosti — Independent Insurance Adjusting Software second generation created using the FileMaker Platform by Claris, a wholly owned subsidiary of Apple, and deployed by me in my catastrophe adjusting work. It is currently not hosted, but can be, given sufficient interest. This link is to a series of tutorial videos on the use of the app. The first generation was used by a few individuals as ClaimPro, starting in the late 1990’s before it was fully relational or internet integratabtle, and is therefore deprecated. One individual still uses and has been since the inception.
UniServEnt Basic Income App — This app was created last year on FileMaker Pro 18 and can be downloaded from this site and run on the FileMaker Go 18 iOS version after a free download of that app from the Apple App Store or on any Mac or CP with a FileMaker subscription.
UniServEnt.org — This website, a WordPress site, and a few others.