The intention of this monograph is to present a foundational model of quantum physical processes as a function of an accelerating, isotropic cosmic expansion. It represents a modification of general relativity as a solution to the gravitational field equation in an initial condition of flat spacetime in which the Einstein curvature tensor vanishes and the stress-energy tensor consists of the dynamic properties of an individual fundamental baryonic particle, the neutron, first as a potential and then as an emergent adiabatic process due to isotropic stress and strain. This fundamental form is developed as an emergent function of the product of the cosmological constant of GR quantified as the Hubble rate with a bi-directional quantum metric, defined herein on a unit cube centered on one of an indefinite number of such centers of isotropic expansion. The isotropic stress is shown to create a torsion strain at the femtometer scale, from which the restorative force initiates a well- defined characteristic rotational oscillation according to the principles of classical wave mechanics.
While the speed of light is held to be invariant in this model, the principle gauge of time is the expansion rate, the source of which operates orthogonal to three-dimensional space. Quantum spin energy, spin angular momentum, and charge are generated by the antisymmetric components and quantum gravity is generated by the symmetric components of the quantum stress-energy double matrix.
Ongoing expansion causes a differential change in inertial density per time unit which is equal to the differential change in mechanical impedance per length unit according to the Hubble rate. These differential drops over time result in a discontinuity at the nodes of the neutron waveform which results in the transmission of a small fraction of the neutron wave energy as the rest mass of the electron and a transfer of the neutron wave momentum as elementary charge, so that beta decay is shown to be tuned to the Hubble rate. With the emission of the electron in a condensed matter state absent ionization, atomic interactions result from the nodal/wave phase interactions of the emitted electron waveform.
This non-stochastic model is developed using dimensional analysis without the addition of extraneous parameters and validated based on the observable invariant properties of the neutron and electron mass and the related reduced Compton wavelengths, the value of h-bar and the speed
of light. Newton’s gravitational constant is derived and found to be 6.67319 x10-11 m3 kg-1 s -2, close to the 2018 CODATA value of 6.67430(15) x10-11. The Hubble rate is derived and found to have a lower threshold of 73.08 km/Mpc /s, which is interpreted as a dimensionless, compounding strain of 2.36839 x10-18 s-1 . This is within the uncertainty of a recent referenced study by Riess et al, which reports the most precisely defined figure to date at H0 = 74.03 +/- 1.42 km s-1 Mpc-1 , validating this approach. It addresses the concerns in that study of the 4.4s between their figure and the results of the LCDM Planck study at 67.74 km +/-0.46 km s-1 Mpc-1.
The model provides an intuitive grasp of such quantum phenomena and concepts as electron orbitals, tunneling, and nuclear and molecular bonding in the context of condensed matter physical phenomena such as the continued reported experimental results of positive correlations of anomalous heat and helium production in support of cold fusion. This model provides an understanding of physical phenomena that can, among other things, help explicate and expedite the safe development and utilization of palladium catalyzed deuterium nuclear fusion.